Black Fountain Press is currently run by Anne-Marie Reuter.

Born in Luxembourg, Anne-Marie Reuter studied in London and Warwick. In 2010, she completed a PhD in English and Comparative literature. Her thesis entitled Fictions of Authority – Teachers, Enchanters and Mentors in selected works of Iris Murdoch and A. S. Byatt, explores the connections between teachers and authors who, as storytellers, engage with, seduce, entertain, challenge, lead or are led by pupils, readers and characters. Today Anne-Marie works as an English teacher at Lycée Robert-Schuman.

In 2017, she co-founded Black Fountain Press. She has published a collection of flash fiction and short stories, On the Edge (2017). She has translated, from French into English, poetry by Lambert Schlechter, one day I will write a poem (2018), and from English into Luxembourgish, the play Disko Dementia by Larisa Faber (2018). In 2021, her story Blue was published by Redfoxpress with illustrations by South Korean artist Antic-Ham.